Are you growing yourself and your team?

23 March 2022

As we all know, surrounding ourselves with the best people is essential in business and life. Being a business owner can be a lonely position with a lot of weight on your shoulders. However, the most important thing is having a network of people around you to support you, bounce ideas off, vent to, and lift you to help you keep growing and achieving/contributing more. 

Its all very easy to plateau when we get to a certain level. You may start to feel a bit unmotivated, disheartened or disconnected. This is when you need to take a step back and take more of a holistic approach and think about what is happening here - and 9 times out of 10, my clients are not growing. You must always focus on developing yourself first, then your business. The more you learn, the more you work on yourself, the more you have to pass on to others, the more fulfilled you become.

This is important to think about for your team as well. How are they growing? What are they learning? Are they motivated and feel inspired to be the best they can be? You are a mentor to your managers. Do you check in with them regularly? Do you know their aspirations? Do you know where they want to go within your company? Finding these things is so crucial on so many levels - 

  • It shows that you care, you are interested in them and their future
  • It gives them a sense of belonging 
  • motivates them to do a better job 
  • Improved team retention 
  • Training frees up more of your time 

So the question is, what are you doing to contribute to your team's growth? Your contribution to your team will always come back tenfold in success within your business and your life. I suggest having a sit down with your team individually, finding out where they are and where they want to go, and helping contribute to their desired outcomes. Then follow this up with bi-monthly or quarterly check-ins.

This all contributes to creating more time for you in your business, spend your time wisely on high impact activities - the old 80/20 rule - 20% of your daily activities are high impact and move the needle forward, can some of the “80%” tasks be delegated out to create more time?

I am the master of this, enabling me to create more time to work on what I enjoy, have a better life, and help others live better lives. I have a straightforward exercise for you to help distinguish the 80/20 in your work—touch base for more info.

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