Big goals, other peoples thoughts and critcal success factors....

13 May 2022

I am about to head away from the business for four months, a long-term goal that is about to be achieved. 

I am a massive believer in having a plan for the future. However, it's important not to be attached to the plan as life happens and things change. Outlining a plan and goals is crucial to continue moving forward and living the life you want to live.

Many things are coming up for me as I am about to head away:

  • I am proud that I have got myself into this position.
  • I am proud of the team that do an amazing job.
  • I am proud of all the systems and processes we have in place.

And I am also nervous about how the team will run:

  • Will standards be maintained?
  • Will the culture be the same?

This is natural and expected to have these feelings. Coming up with some critical success factors for the team has provided an excellent structure to ensure standards are maintained and given me further peace of mind, knowing that if they follow these factors, all will be fine. 

There is never a right time to do things, and there will always be excuses, a reason not to, problems will pop up, and something may happen. However, We don't know what will happen in the next 5 minutes, so we can't worry about what might happen in the future.

Covid has taught me this lesson, we are powerless over the world, and we can only focus on the here and now. There are two sayings that I have learned to love:

Worrying is praying for shit you don't want. 

Everything has been, and everything will always be fine. 

Take a look back on your life and the events that have happened and put that question to it…. Whats the answer?

I've had backlash from other people's opinions about what I am doing, but at the end of the day, other people's thoughts are none of my business. I am looking forward to spending some time away from the business and returning with fresh eyes and ideas. 

So heading away for an extended period made me think, what are the critical success factors that have to happen for the success of the business to continue.

A deep dive into some good questions provided a great list of critical success factors for management and the team to ask every week. Yes, we have other larger essential factors of success for the business, finance, strategy, etc. However, refining this down to the day-to-day operations gives the team a lot of clarity. They know with whatever gets thrown at them, as long as the small list of critical success factors is being followed each day/week everything will be fine. 

My question to you is - does your team know what the critical success factors are for their day-to-day/week-to-week duties? 

What non-negotiables have to happen for your business to stay ahead of the game and be one of the leaders in the industry? 

This is a great brainstorming opportunity that will move your business forward.

Lets chat to make this happen. 

I may be stepping away from the pub for a while. However, I will still be running my coaching business and meeting my clients regularly, so get in touch, let's have a chat to see how we can work together, move your business forward and live a better life. 

Perhaps you too may want to take some time away from your business, lets make it happen….


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