Hows your teams Wellbeing?

24 August 2022

It is more important than ever for us to be responsible business owners and leaders and develop a welling plan for our team. The world has changed, and we need to be adapting continuously. 

I'm working alongside my clients to create wellness plans for our teams. I'm sure you think we don't need to add any more costs to our business in this challenging environment but taking the correct steps forward is what you need to do for your business and team to strive. 

Your team is your greatest asset, and you want to be doing all you can to serve them. So ask this question - what am I doing to look after my team's wellness? If the answer is not much, that's ok, but it's time to do something about it. Not only is it our responsibility to look after the people running our businesses, but it is our responsibility to ensure that we are doing all we can to support their wellbeing. 

We deal with all walks of life, and no "one" thing will help. I suggest you sit down with your team, preferably individually, and ask them what wellness means to them and what is important to them. Put together your list of things you can do to see if anything fits with what is important to them. If there's nothing on your list, then see if you add it or something similar to help them. Create a budget for this and build it into your expenses. There are also a lot of things that will come up that won't cost money. Wellness to some people is having the time to walk in nature or spend quality time with friends and family, giving back to the community. 


Here are some ideas for you

  • Mental health - EAPS - work with an Employee Assistant Program Company
  • Physical fitness - gym memberships/discounts 
  • Vouchers to help with expenses - fuel, transport of food
  • Healthy take home meals for the flat / family 
  • Physical wellness programs - chat with a gym or create you won
  • Community involvement - give the team a day to give back to the community
  • Destressing activities e.g. team walk at the beach or in the bush
  • Wellness committee - dedicated team members to run this
  • Create a regular wellness day e.g. Mindful Monday 
  • Healthy snacks - provide a bowl for the team to snack on
  • Wellness challengers - simple things the team can do as a group or individually
  • Walking meetings - get out in the fresh air




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