Great leaders are coaches

10 August 2022

Great leaders are coaches

Business planning, accounting, human resources, marketing and sales, trainer, customer service leader, and strategist are just some of the hats we have to wear as business owners and managers…. All are important but we also have to remember that we are here to coach and guide our team as well. 

Do you feel that you coach your team? You should, hospitality is the industry of humans serving humans, and the most crucial part is that we serve our team by leading and coaching them.

Having a focus on service for your team, and doing all you can to help them, grow and inspire them not only gives a sense of purpose as business owners but it increases care and engagement with your team providing better results.

Keys to a great coaching leader:

Communicate with Inspiration - words are powerful and should inspire people to act
Challenge the unchallenged - Growth is key and having the ability to challenge people in a non-critical manner to maintain engagement is a great skill to have.
Raise the bar - Set high standards for your personal and work life, and lead by example.
Invest in teamwork - Everyone has a vital role to play, make sure everyone is working together, there is no I in TEAM.
Encourage boldness - encourage people to take big action, make mistakes and support them on their journey.
See potential - Potential is everywhere, everyone has it, its about helping people see it for themselves.
Be Available - approachable and take action quickly. 

How are you as a coach for your team? What can you do better to serve your team more effectively?

Having a coach is key to growth, accountability, and success.

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