How to maintain your sanity in turbulent times

10 March 2022

As we all know business is definitely not all roses and rainbows, sometimes things can become overwhelming when things aren't going to plan. Currently, with writing this we are in a Red setting in an Onicron outbreak. Hospitality has taken a massive hit and businesses are trading anywhere from 10-50% of normal trade. This is really really tough. However Spring always follows winter (metaphorically speaking), and we are definitely in the winter months now and spring will come.

For the past few weeks, I have been busy analyzing numbers, doing cashflows, working out a plan for the team to manage wage costs while maintaining their well-being so that they can survive. This is all very important stuff, and I can help you out if you need some help around these areas, however, what I have done this week is a game-changer.

I went away and spent a night at an Airbnb for what I call “a reset”. This is just quality time for me to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, evaluate my values, my mission, my habits, and realign with my purpose. It's so easy to get stuck in the weeds when things aren't going well, it gets you down and takes a massive toll on your mental health. However, at the end of the day, you have to look after number 1 - which is yourself. If you dont take care of yourself, how are you meant to be taking care of others? Basics of survival when on the plane you always put the oxygen on yourself first so that you can help others. 

Just by having this night away (you can even do it at the beach, in nature, just block out 4 hours of time) it really revived me. The world is crazy at the moment, not only are we dealing with covid, war is breaking out, rising inflation, a possible recession and not to mention the environment….. all these things are out of our control, we can only control ourselves on the inside, we don't know what is going to happen in the next 5 seconds let alone the next 50minutes, 5 years etc. We can only go internal and look after our mindset, live from our values and contribute to those around us. 

What this looked like for me was:

  • I reviewed my habits, and worked out a couple more that I want to create, I focused on things that I know will make me feel good and also things that I can do to bring more Joy into my life.
  • Created a Habit tracker to hold myself accountable and stay on track
  • Updated my “life plan” I have a “live” document (e.g. google doc) where I have a pile of affirmations, my values, and little sayings that will lift me up - AND it grounds me to be grateful for everything that I have in my life, we forget to do this ALOT! I look at my 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5-year plan. This is just a guide for what I would like to achieve, however, its important not to get attached to the plan, as I said we don't know whats around the corner, but I believe having this is great to help keep you on track for your vision for your life. 

3 really simple things that will breathe fresh life into your spirit and help you get through “winter”. How are you at the moment? What are you doing to support yourself? 


“Creating a life you love, like actually creating it, for real, and really loving it, will require you always seek to grow and expand your heart, soul, mind and vibration - to new levels” Lalah Delia

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