How to kick start the year and inspire the team:

10 January 2022

In hospitality Christmas and New Years is always a manic time, all “ON’ the business items  get paused and the main focus is dealing with the Christmas carnage. For us it is the time to really get as much business as possible, as January is a dog of a month and we need to be making as much as we can to get us through the quieter month of January. 


With a lot of the regular training and comms paused over this busy period, I really like to do a bit of a reset and relaunch of what we are all about for the team. I think its really important that we regroup as a team, acknowledge and be proud of what we achieved last year and hero those who have done an amazing job.


If we are not consistently talking about our mission, vision and values, it all falls by the wayside VERY quickly, customer services levels drop, team engagement and motivation falls away along with turnover and ultimately our profits. 


As leaders we need to be the inspiration, getting people to believe that they are working for a bigger cause, that they are a part of something special and are working for more than just a paycheck. We do this through being super passionate about looking after our customers - having the best customer service in the country. We are super passionate about the team, our people are everything, they are the ones who are on the front line and we need to be showing them that we really care about them, seeing them grow and living their best life. This in my opinion is most important  of all, without them doing an amazing job, you are just another hospo business, who wants to be categorised as that?


We have to evaluate our own standards, our business standards and our teams standards to ensure that we are exceeding customer expectations continuously. If we don't do this, if we dont move with the times, we become stagnant and again, just another hospo business. 


Having high standards and minimum standards, sets the expectations for your team for the year, they know what is expected of them, they know the bigger picture of what we as a company are trying to achieve and move forward with vengeance to be the best! 


Some key questions to ask…


What is our Vision, Mission and Values and do these still align with the year ahead? (no one ever says that these cant change, they should change!) 


How can we offer better service than we did in the past year?


How can we do more for our team?


What standards are we going to raise this year? 


Get in touch with me to chat through your answers below, we can have a FREE 30 minute chat about it and your company. I am passionate about helping other operators lead the industry from a distance. 

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