SOO - Stressed, Overworked, Overwhelmed - enough is enough.

18 March 2022

The idea of getting into business is always a dreamy one, aspirations of how life will be so different, no longer working for the man, the freedom of being your own boss, the money you will make - oh the life you will live! 


However, the reality for most is that you become overwhelmed, overworked and frustrated that your business is ruling your life instead of being in charge of your life. I believe it’s a natural progression in business to go into overworking and overwhelm. However, you should be aware that this is not the way it has to be. Yes, there are always challenging times, but it’s up to you to make the changes that serve you best. 


When you are tired, rundown, and unmotivated, how can you be an inspiring boss, leader, manager, and councilor (all the hats you have to be in business!). Everything is up to you, and everything is a choice. Now you probably don’t believe me when I say that, but it’s true whether you believe it or not. 


This is a mindset game, and if you believe that you have no other option, you’ll have no other choice. If your mindset is focused on what you want to create, you will find a way to make it work. 

To reduce your SOO, you need to surround yourself with exceptional humans. These people believe in you and the vision of the business. These people are the most important who will create more time for you and will help reduce your SOO. Looking around you currently, do you have these people? What small things can you pass over to help free you up a bit? If you have the right humans around you they will be pleased with the opportunity to help you and grow themselves by learning more. 


You may have these humans already around you, or you may not. But thats ok because you need to ensure that they are on board with your vision so they know the purpose behind their role. Creating a powerful vision will inspire others to move forward with you, find solutions, take responsibility, and ultimately create more time for you. These will be your best advocates for you and your business. They must believe in the bigger cause as when you are not there, they are the ones flying the company flag while you start living your life. 


So 2 questions to ponder.


Is your mindset one of options and potential for achievement? Or one of lack, stress, and overwhelm? How do you view challenges? 

Here’s a quick mindset quiz to see where you are at 

Changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s continuous work, and being aware of your mindset and moving it is really important. 

Do you have a clear vision that you continuously talk about with your team? 

Creating a vision is how you want to serve people, what type of business you want to be, and how you impact others. Create a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), work out some plans to make this happen, and get everyone inspired to achieve them, starting with your managers and will trickle down to other team members. This does not mean you can just leave it up to them, your job is to inspire everyone in your team, but you have 100% backing from your management team.


These 2 things are vital to being able to step away from your business's day-to-day and create the life that you want to live. I am proof of this and am living my dream. Where are you at with your dream? Flick me an email and I can send you a FREE workbook on how to create your vision.


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