What do customers really think about you?

05 June 2022

It amazes me how many places are not interested in feedback on their customer's experiences. Well, they may be interested but there is such a lack of effort trying to get feedback. How can you improve if you don't know what to improve on?

 Yes, there are always things that we are improving on and working on in the background with our systems and processes, and this is important, but what do your customers think?

Most people indeed think their business is much better than it is, it is just how we think. It's great to consider your business is excellent, but it's more important to know your business is excellent by receiving feedback. Then you can keep your finger on the pulse and make the changes necessary.

There will always be 2% of people you can never please, so it's best not to get too riled up about them. It would be best to focus on all the constructive feedback to improve. People love to be heard and acknowledged, and it can even open up some creative marketing opportunities when you have customer details. 

Having a solid system in place which gives you as much feedback as possible is crucial. If you are working the floor or not, having insight from the customer's eyes is critical.

Here are 5 tactics to get feedback directly to you - 

Cards - add a service card to the bill at the table (with a pen of course, you need to make it as easy as possible, and asking them to comment is key.)

Phone calls - Ring people, its simple, call them and ask how their time with you was and if they have any suggestions, this can also help create more of a connection with your business.

Auto emails - most booking systems now enable you to implement a follow-up email to ask for feedback. This can direct them to a survey link. 

Database - ask your database for feedback. Don't have a database? This is the perfect time to start putting one together. 

Mystery Shoppers is an all-encompassing experience feedback system that gives you insights from the moment customers walk in the door to the minute they leave. 

I strongly recommend doing all of these. I hear you say I don't have time to do that, and that's sad - if you don't have time to listen to your customers, and care about their experience, then you cant be that driven to succeed and run an excellent business. 

Don't wait to read about your customer's experiences on online platforms, be proactive and get in touch with them first. 

Let me help you get this sorted, run a better business, have more time, make more money, and have a better life. 

What are you going to implement today?

I recently got asked what type of people I work with - I work with passionate, driven hospitality people who want to succeed and live amazing lives. Have high standards for themselves and their businesses, if that sounds like you, get in touch so we can get you moving to the next level.


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